Endure in Faith, He Will Be Faithful
True Christians will patiently endure. But how does it work in the Christian experience, while fighting the “corruption remaining” in us? When we have fallen into sin, had our hearts hardened and consciences wounded, where do you find the motivation or hope to endure to the end?

Christian Ministry as Combat
Scriptures uses warfare imagery to describe normative Christian ministry. What can we learn by viewing ministry through this lens, as a call to combat?

Praying for Politicians in Public Worship
What is God seeking to accomplish in and through his people when we pray publicly for our governing leaders? There are at least three divine aims implied by 1 Timothy 2:1-2. We may properly explore their depth by also considering the reflections of Christians in the past on this text, since most of them faced a government far more hostile to Christianity than anything we see in the West today.

Old Glory or His Glory?
The ancient Christian maxim, Lex orandi, lex credendi (“The rule of prayer is the rule of belief”), remains an accurate summary of the way corporate worship disciples us. How we worship will direct how we believe. I’d suggest this includes even the physical elements around the church in her worship. For this reason, churches ought to seriously reconsider displaying the American flag where they meet.